
关于佳和 产品中心 新闻动态 荣誉资质 联系我们

苏州市佳和无纺制品有限公司成立于2002年,专业从事吸油棉、熔喷无纺布、围油栏、消油剂、收油机等产品的生产和开发,并从事新工艺及成套设备的优化设计与技术改造,公司拥有多条新技术的PP/PET熔喷、纺粘、热轧、超声波复合、分切等工艺非织造材料生产线,公司主营:吸油棉、熔喷无纺布、围油栏、消油剂、收油机、生态保暖隔音材料等,并拥有完整的质量管理体系,通过ISO9001-2000国际质量体系认证,始终坚持质量是企业生存之源,信誉是公司发展之本,争创一流灵活多变务实的营销策略,将以优质的产品, 真诚有两的服务,与广大客户携手合作,共创辉煌。


公司地处经济发达的长江三角洲——苏州,西临风景秀丽的太湖之滨,北依 沪宁高速,312国道,距上海80公里,南依苏杭高速,交通便捷。公司拥有标准化车间近万平方米,产品畅销全国各地并出口全球二十多个国家。



Suzhou Jiahe Non-woven Products Co. Ltd was established in March 2002, a professional enterprise integrating R&D, manufacturing and sales. We are specialized in developing oil and chemical leaking pollution proofing and controlling material as well as spilling oil controlling and recycling equipment.We have various production lines specialized in oil absorbent material and yearly productions are up to more than 3,000 ton. We have obvious advantages of brand technology and cost control in oil and chemical absorbing field.Furthermore we have several advanced production lines specialized in crank out with one time welding PVC boom and rubber boom manufacturing and the yearly production can reach 200.000 meters Our products are widely used in the treatment of conduit oil pollution chemicals and the leakage of poisonous acid or alkaline liquid in maritime affairs docks.aviation and industry engine etc.In many years we have worked closely with many domestic maritime bureaus. Environmental monitoring agencies, Waterway Bureaus, airline companies, water supply companies, Petro China, CNOOC, Sinopec, Oil refining enterprise, shipping service company and heavy industry enterprises.Besides, we also do OEM for famous companies all over the world We are always on the way to be more Professional!